Wednesday, June 6, 2007

On The Fast Track!

This is Zach's extra credit project that goes with his Cheetah report that he did at school. The first graders choose an animal to become an expert on and do a power point presentation! Of course Zach chose a cheetah because it is the fastest land animal, and Zach takes pride in being the fastest in his class! He loves to run! He made his cheetah by tracing it onto poster board, then gluing torn paper until it really looked like a cheetah! Mom tore all the paper for him, because it was hard to tear! My fingers were sore for 2 days afterwards! But Zach did the rest and did quite a nice job! He called it Duma, after the star of the movie, Duma.


Jen said...

I love this!! Congrats Zach on a job well done! Your cheetah looks awesome! :)

Cammy said...

Wow that looks great! I doubt that I could make a better looking cheetah! : )

Cammy said...

Hey Carrie! I thought I'd pass along this link since I know your kids are such book lovers! It is an e-party for Usborne books that I am hosting. They have really good prices on some fun books so I thought I'd pass it along to people who could benefit! Alexander loves books too (to listen to : )