Friday, June 1, 2007

Dance Festival

Here are my children with their teachers (Mr. Swiergula & Mrs. Braun) on the night of the 57th annual dance festival. They are 3rd generation dancers! I hated being in the dance festival when I was a kid - I didn't want to have to get too close to any of those stinky boys! However, they better never quit this tradition - if I had to do it, so do my kids!!! This years theme was "Disney" and 1st graders danced to The Bare Necessities (Jungle Book) while 3rd graders danced to I'll Make A Man Out of You (Mulan). I think the kids' favorite part, though, was eating ice cream out on the lawn afterwards!

1 comment:

Jen said...

I love that they are still doing the dance festival! I did the Bunny Hop when I was in Mr. Swirgula's class! :) I remember LOVING the dance festival!!! This post just makes me smile!