Saturday, December 2, 2006

My First Blog!

Life is so busy and so many people are on the net so I thought this would be a good way to keep my friends current on the happenings in the Allton family. I guess I'll start with Zach and how he came to hate snow. We've all heard, "it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt," and that is so true! Zach & Liz were heavily into a snowball fight with the neighbors when Zach dodged a snowball and ended up going over a terraced edge. Unfortunately, his arm broke his fall, and was broken in the process! After several x-rays and a local anesthetic, the orthopedic doctor "set" it (ouch!) and he now has a lovely cast for all to sign. He is very active and heavily involved in playing football at every recess and after school with friends so this was a huge blow to him. I haven't told him how long the cast will be on because he is going to be devastated! Well, he looks awfully cute with his cast and 2 front teeth missing!

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Thanks so much for sending me to your site! Love the photos and considering we haven't seen each other in a zillion years this is great! I look forward to more postings :)